Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Our Call To Prayer

30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World

About Us

The origin of this call to prayer and fasting for the Muslim world came about as a group of Christian leaders were praying about the Islamic world during a meeting in the Middle East in April 1992. God put a burden on the hearts of these men and women to call as many Christians as possible to pray for the Muslim world.

This prayer event is planned to coincide with the Islamic month of Ramadan so that we, the Body of Christ, would get God's heart for the Muslim world. We pray for greater breakthroughs for the Gospel among Muslims, an increased commitment to prayer by Christians, and for more missionaries to be released to work among Muslims.

Praying during the month of Ramadan does not mean that we conform ourselves to the Muslim practices of fasting and prayer. Rather it is intended that "30 Days" should be during the month of Ramadan for at least two reasons: (1) as a means for Christians to identify themselves with Muslims during a fixed period of the year, (2) to call upon God's sovereign intervention in the lives of Muslims during a time of year when they are particularly religious.

While being opposed to Islam, "30 Days" emphasizes God's love for Muslims. The movement has always maintained a positive attitude towards Muslims and tried to cultivate a spirit of humility, love and service towards them. We at "30 Days International" are not interested in denigrating or criticizing them. We are interested in praying for the salvation of Muslims.

These prayer materials are not designed to be given to Muslims. We do not recommend that you show them to Muslims for evangelistic purposes. Muslims will generally not understand your motivations to intercede for them although many Muslims have commented on how fair, balanced and non-critical our materials are.

Ramadan begins September 24 through October 23 2006. Get others praying, pass it on.

The 30 Days International Team

---------- www.30-days.net ---------- www.30daysfire.net (youth site) ----------

"30-Days of Prayer" booklets are available in many languages:

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