Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ramadan Day 11 - Isfahan, Iran

30-Days of Prayer for the Muslim World

Isfahan, Iran

1,001,000 inhabitants

[The name is also written: Esfahan and Isphahan.]

Isfahan is one of the oldest cities in Iran, going back about 2,500 years. It is located in West Central Iran. Isfahan was the capital of the Safavid Empire from 1598 – 1722. Every year tens of thousands of Iranians and tourists visit the city of Isfahan. Very often they come to admire the beautiful Safavid period architecture and old gardens.

Today there are very small numbers of Christians from a Muslim background in Isfahan. The overwhelming majority of the Iranian population is Shiite Muslim. Few believers reveal their true thoughts about Christ publicly because of potential and actual persecution.

What does God see when he looks at Isfahan?

Certainly God sees the beautiful buildings, but he sees even more beauty and craftsmanship. He sees the human beings made in his image. He knows the names of every person in the city. He knows where they live. He knows their lives. (See Psalm 8:1-9 especially verse 5, Heb. 2:5-15, and Ephesians 2:10).

Let’s Pray:

* Ask the Lord “to open the eyes of the men and women in Isfahan so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in the Messiah.” (Acts 26:18)

* There are hundreds and probably thousands of people with the names listed below living in Isfahan. Name these groups of people before the Lord, asking him to bring them the Gospel and the city to salvation.

Mohammed, Hassan, Ali, Hussein, Rasheed

Fatima, Roxanne, Soraya, Jasmine, Khadija

ISBN 2-9514163-8-5. Encourage others to pray with us - pass this on.
30DaysFire.net "stirs up youth to minister to Muslim people". Click to view today's "Sights and Sounds".

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