30-Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
It is no simple task to proclaim the gospel in the city of Lyon, France. With a largely Catholic past, the city has been formally dedicated to the Virgin Mary. While 70% call themselves Catholics, less than 10% are practicing. Protestants and evangelicals stand at 1.75%. About 25% place their faith in astrology and mediums; over 15% spend several billion Euro per year on occult consultations.
Most former Muslims say they came to faith through the steady witness of French Christian friends. Of the 150,000 Muslims in the Lyon area, there are about 40–50 practicing Christians from a Muslim background; most of them have been believers for several years. A small group is growing in faith, encourages church participation, and is involved in active witness to Muslims.
Eight people from different missions are specifically reaching out to Muslims, as are some of the 5,000-plus evangelical / charismatic believers in the city. Several Catholics in the Lyon area have made significant efforts to build relationships and dialogue with Muslims, however they generally do not seek to bring them to faith in Christ in an explicit way.
* Pray for a spiritual breakthrough in Lyon among the Muslims and the French people.
* Pray for workers, who can be culturally sensitive and determined in the face of opposition, to work among the young Muslims.
* Christians working among Muslims in France almost always need to address occult influences in the lives of Muslims as well as resentment over experiences of racism and prejudice from portions of the French population. Ask God to equip His servants to deal with these challenges.
ISBN 2-9514163-8-5. Encourage others to pray with us - pass this on.
30DaysFire.net "stirs up youth to minister to Muslim people". Click to view today's "Sights and Sounds".
Lyon, France
Population: 1.26 million people; includes 150,000 MuslimsIt is no simple task to proclaim the gospel in the city of Lyon, France. With a largely Catholic past, the city has been formally dedicated to the Virgin Mary. While 70% call themselves Catholics, less than 10% are practicing. Protestants and evangelicals stand at 1.75%. About 25% place their faith in astrology and mediums; over 15% spend several billion Euro per year on occult consultations.
Most former Muslims say they came to faith through the steady witness of French Christian friends. Of the 150,000 Muslims in the Lyon area, there are about 40–50 practicing Christians from a Muslim background; most of them have been believers for several years. A small group is growing in faith, encourages church participation, and is involved in active witness to Muslims.
Eight people from different missions are specifically reaching out to Muslims, as are some of the 5,000-plus evangelical / charismatic believers in the city. Several Catholics in the Lyon area have made significant efforts to build relationships and dialogue with Muslims, however they generally do not seek to bring them to faith in Christ in an explicit way.
Let’s Pray:
---------------------------------------------------------------* Pray for a spiritual breakthrough in Lyon among the Muslims and the French people.
* Pray for workers, who can be culturally sensitive and determined in the face of opposition, to work among the young Muslims.
* Christians working among Muslims in France almost always need to address occult influences in the lives of Muslims as well as resentment over experiences of racism and prejudice from portions of the French population. Ask God to equip His servants to deal with these challenges.
ISBN 2-9514163-8-5. Encourage others to pray with us - pass this on.
30DaysFire.net "stirs up youth to minister to Muslim people". Click to view today's "Sights and Sounds".
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