30-Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
The majority of Muslims live in the western area of the largest island. The first mosque was built in Navau in 1900. Now there are approximately 200 mosques and prayer houses in Fiji.
Christian missions are just beginning to recognize the cultural and religious distinctions between the different Indian people groups in Fiji. As a result, the conversion of Muslims has so far been more accidental than deliberate. However, small numbers of Muslims are coming to Christ through many denominations. At the present time there are only a few former Muslims who are actively witnessing to their community.
* In recent years the church in Fiji has grown in unity, with notable miracles taking place. Pray that these positive events would influence Muslims toward Christ (Acts 2:42–47).
* Christian congregations and fellowships of former Muslims are needed to help new Muslim converts grow in discipleship. Pray for church-planting teams (Col 4:5–6).
* Most Muslims who are coming to Christ receive threats from their religious leaders and pressure from relatives. Many lose their jobs and are cast out by their families and friends. Pray that they would have courage and commitment (Rev 12:11).
ISBN 2-9514163-8-5. Encourage others to pray with us - pass this on.
30DaysFire.net "stirs up youth to minister to Muslim people". Click to view today's "Sights and Sounds".
Muslims in Fiji
Fiji is an independent island republic in the Pacific Ocean, made up of a few large islands and over 300 smaller ones. In recent years, Islamic teachers have been employed in Fiji's mosques and schools. Saudi Arabian finances have been used to organize trips for Muslims going to Mecca. In the past 20 years, an increasing number of Muslims have begun using Arabic forms of dress, thought by some Muslims to make them “real Muslims”.The majority of Muslims live in the western area of the largest island. The first mosque was built in Navau in 1900. Now there are approximately 200 mosques and prayer houses in Fiji.
Christian missions are just beginning to recognize the cultural and religious distinctions between the different Indian people groups in Fiji. As a result, the conversion of Muslims has so far been more accidental than deliberate. However, small numbers of Muslims are coming to Christ through many denominations. At the present time there are only a few former Muslims who are actively witnessing to their community.
Let’s Pray:
---------------------------------------------------------------* In recent years the church in Fiji has grown in unity, with notable miracles taking place. Pray that these positive events would influence Muslims toward Christ (Acts 2:42–47).
* Christian congregations and fellowships of former Muslims are needed to help new Muslim converts grow in discipleship. Pray for church-planting teams (Col 4:5–6).
* Most Muslims who are coming to Christ receive threats from their religious leaders and pressure from relatives. Many lose their jobs and are cast out by their families and friends. Pray that they would have courage and commitment (Rev 12:11).
ISBN 2-9514163-8-5. Encourage others to pray with us - pass this on.
30DaysFire.net "stirs up youth to minister to Muslim people". Click to view today's "Sights and Sounds".
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