Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ramadan - Day 01 - Uzbekistan

30-Days of Prayer for the Muslim World

Ramadan Day 01


Muslim 88% (mostly Sunnis) (July 2006 estimates)

God is powerfully at work in Uzbekistan, a Muslim country ruled by one of the most repressive regimes in the former Soviet Union. Numbering several thousand, the young Uzbek Church has experienced some persecution, but many believers are incredibly committed to Christ and are actively proclaiming Him

In Uzbekistan anyone found guilty of holding a religious meeting in their home can be sent to prison for up to 17 years, in addition to having their home confiscated. Although rarely, if ever, carried out, this threat has not stopped believers from opening their homes.

Uzbekistan has been under the grip of darkness for centuries. There are many horrible human rights abuses and violations. People are hungry and desperate for relief and answers. Almost everyone turns to folk Islam for help, not realizing the depths of its deceptive and dangerous practices. Uzbekistan is 88% Sunni Muslim.

Let’s Pray:

* Pray for the Uzbek believers that they would develop culturally appropriate worship, teaching, and fellowship, which pleases the Lord and meets deep and pressing needs.

* May God give strength and courage to Uzbek believers who are being persecuted by the government, family members, and religious leaders.

* Pray for the authorities under President Karimov's administration. May God bring hope and change. True servant leadership is needed - not oppressive abuse of power. May God raise up Josephs and Daniels at all local and national levels!

* President Karimov's second and last term ends in 2007 and no clear peaceful transition of power is in sight. Pray for God's protection during this season and his provision of wise, godly leadership, which will foster the growth of his kingdom.

This is an excerpt from our 30-Days Prayer Guide ISBN 2-9514163-8-5. More background is available on our Youth Site
Encourage others to pray with us - pass this on.

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