Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ramadan - Day 02 - Ferghana Valley, Uzbekistan

30-Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
- Ramadan Day 02 (for Monday, September 25)

Ferghana Valley, Uzbekistan

10 million people, 88% Muslim

For centuries the Ferghana Valley was an important link on the trade route called the “Silk Road”, used by merchants traveling between Europe and the Middle East to and from China. Presently the Ferghana Valley, with a population of over 10 million, is the most densely populated area in all of Central Asia, and it influences the whole region.

The Ferghana Valley is 300 kilometers (200 miles) long. It contains thousands of cotton fields and is the center of silk production in Central Asia. Millions of agricultural workers, including some as young as 8 years of age, “volunteer” to plant, chop, and pick cotton for small wages. Corruption is rampant.

“To be Uzbek is to be Muslim,” is very much accepted in the valley. Historically the Valley has been a seedbed of conservative Islam and anti-government opposition. Some Muslims in the Valley have become involved in radical movements and, in efforts to establish an Islamic society, have resorted to violence.

Let’s Pray:

* Pray for the national believers in the Ferghana Valley to be bold in their witness and loving in their relationships with non-believers. The vast majority of Muslims in the Valley have not been evangelized.

* May the Holy Spirit show people in the Valley that being a follower of Jesus will in no way make them less Uzbek, Tadjik or Kyrgyz. It will only help them to discover their real identity.

* Muslims in the Valley need to experience the Kingdom of God. Only God’s new society is able to meet their most profound aspirations for peace and justice. Pray for God's righteous ways to rule in the business realm.

More background is available on our Youth Site
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